How Do I Start – Infiniti Funds

The road to becoming an Infiniti Funds Trader could not be easier. To start, all you need to do is create an Infiniti Funds Account by following these simple steps: 


  • Sign Up on Infiniti Fund’s website 
  • Open your Email Inbox and find our Verification Email 
  • The Verification Link will redirect you to our concise Registration Form. 
  • You will need to provide your Full Legal Name, including Middle Name(s), and create a Password. 
  • Accept our T&C, and please confirm you are 18 years or older. 
  • Press on “Confirm”  


That is all you need to do to become an Infiniti Funds Trader! You will obtain immediate access to your Infiniti Funds Account, ready to start your first Funded Account Challenge!  


I Did not Receive the Verification Email:  


If you did not get the Verification Email, please check all the folders in your Email Inbox: the Spam/Junk Folder in particular.  


If you still cannot find the Verification Email please reach out to our immensely helpful and responsive 24/7 Support Team via Live Chat, or through our Support Email: [email protected] for further assistance.  


Do you feel ready to purchase a Funded Account Challenge? Please follow our next guide to learn how.  

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Please, get in touch with our support team, so that we can help you