How Does the Overall Drawdown Work? – Infiniti Funds

When you embark on an Infiniti Funds Funded Account Challenge, throughout the Challenge, the capital in your Infiniti Funds Trader Account can never, at any given time, fall below 10%.  


An example of the Overall Drawdown would be:  


If a trader has an Infiniti Funds Trading Account with a starting balance of $100,000, the Overall Drawdown would be $10,000 (10% of $100,000). This means that the trader’s Account Balance can never fall below $90,000 throughout the entire Funded Account Challenge.  


How Do I Calculate the Max Overall Drawdown? 


The Max Overall Drawdown can be calculated as follows: 


Initial Account Balance x 0.10 = Max Overall Drawdown. 

For example: $200,000 x 0.10 = $20,000 (Max Overall Drawdown) (Max Loss). 


Note: Exceeding the Max Overall Drawdown of 10% will result in the automatic failure of that respective Challenge attempt. The Overall Drawdown rule applies to all three phases of every Funded Account Challenge (Phase 1: Evaluation, Phase 2: Verification, Phase 3: Funded).  


Note: Infiniti Funds, does not recommend trading one hour before and after the Market Rollover, due to bad market conditions caused by low liquidity and high volatility.  

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